Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Hey friends -

Welcome to my corner of the internet!  You don't know me yet, but I'm pretty awesome. I turned 30 last year, so that pretty much makes me an adult now.  #terrified.

I've almost started several blogs over the years, but they never stuck.  I've heard several people say that the thing you should do for a living, or invest your time in as a hobby, is what has interested you from the start.  You always hear stories about 47 year old men who finally get the career of their dreams, when it was what they wanted to do when they were 13 years old.  Well, I haven't been interested in cider and mead since I was 13, but I have been interested since I tried my first cider (Strongbow) in June 2009.  I was the lame-o college girl who never liked beer.  Tried it. Hated it. Never wanted to drink it again.  But the moment my friend Stephanie introduced me to the world of cider, I knew I found something good.

Since that day, I've slowly delved deeper and deeper into craft ciders (and now meads)... and have actually started to consider (attempting) making them at home.  Maybe one day.  Until then, I plan to drink as many ciders and meads I can, share my kick-ass thoughts with you, and keep this baby up to date with all the latest and greatest.

*Disclaimer: I have since tried some craft beers to broaden my horizon, and while I have found maybe two or three I enjoy... I still for the most part just don't like beer.


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